October 9, 2020

Posted By: Christi

800m Sandbag Shoulder Carry, pick load
– then —
3 rounds of:
15 Sandbag Deadlifts, pick load
15 Sandbag Shoulder-to-Overheads, pick load
15 Sandbag Hang Clean & Jerks, pick load
— then —
800m Sandbag Shoulder Carry

Getting some fun, odd object work in the mix. If we’re short on sandbags, feel free to swap out the sandbag with a vest for the run. The 3 rounds in the middle does not have weight listed intentionally. You choose the weight today. It should be light to moderate and you should be able to move steady and well. If you don’t have a sandbag you can use 2 kettlebells or dumbbells and get the same intended stimulus. This is for quality and you’re welcome to just cruise through and get in some good work or if you’re feeling like getting after it today…go for it!

Post Work
10ea Way & Direction Hip Circles
Couch Stretch 1x:
:90sec-2min each side