October 9, 2021

Posted By: Christi

8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD

Teams of 3:
5 rounds for time of:
Dumbbell Bear Crawl, 50/35 lbs, 50 ft
10 Alternating DB/KB Snatches, 70/50 lbs
5 Back Squats, 245/145 lbs

We have a fun team workout on deck for today! Athletes will be getting into groups of 3 and each athlete will start at a different movement. Athletes will rotate to the next exercise only when each athlete has completed their intended amount of work. Each athlete will work through a full 5 rounds. The dumbbell bear crawl is a great way to change things up and can be a real challenge when done right. This is likely going to be the slowest of the movements. The dumbbell snatch is intended to be done at a heavier load. Lastly, the back squat is also intended to be done at heavy load. This will come out of the rack and athletes should be working with a weight that challenges them. Because the dumbbell bear crawl will take longer to complete athletes should feel better about pushing themselves with loading knowing that they will get a bit of rest going into the lift and after the lift.

Post Work
Back Rack Hold, pick load, 3 mins
Accumulate the total time.

Accessory work today has you accumulating 3min in a back rack hold. You should be using a load that is challenging. A good goal would be to use anything between 75-100% of your 1 RM back squat and ideally getting it done within 4-6 sets.