September 19, 2022

Posted By: Christi


Flow Workout

Every 1 min for 40 mins, alternating between:
max rep Bike Calories
10 Slam Ball Sit-ups, 20/15 lbs + 5 Strict Pull-ups
max rep Row Calories
10 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs + 5 Medicine Ball Push-ups

DELOAD WEEK! Although the workouts are structured a bit different than our normal training they still pack a punch! These weeks are so important for recovery and getting you ready to take on more. This is an alternating EMOM and it’s a bit on the longer side. This workout has you alternating back and forth between a bike or rower. This is to be done at a moderate pace (60-70% effort). Inside of each minute you will work for roughly :45sec, leaving :15sec to rest and transition. With each one of these movements, the focus should be on quality over speed. The overall goal for this workout is to have relatively low intensity with a steady and very doable pace.

Post Work 1x:
1-2min per side Pigeon Stretch
1-2min per side Couch Stretch