3 rounds for time of:
30/25 Row Calories
15 Handstand Push-ups
30 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
15 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Goal: sub 18 mins
A classic 3 round workout today that will challenge you with both a push and a pull. The handstand push-up will likely be a set that most of us should be breaking up early on to avoid any muscular failure. If they are in your wheelhouse you can go for it with some unbroken sets to see what you’ve got. The box jump over is going to take some deliberate movement and steady pacing. These will be easy to slow down on so work to keep moving here. Chest-to-bar pull-up approach will be similar to the handstand push-up depending on your level of comfort with them. Lots of lungs and gymnastics work in this one!
Post Work
1min per side Underhand PVC Stretch
1min Child’s Pose Stretch