For time:
3 rounds of:
12/10 Row Calories
5 Hang Squat Cleans, 185/125 lbs
5 Push Jerks, 185/125 lbs
Rest 2 mins
3 rounds of:
12/10 Row Calories
4 Hang Squat Cleans, 205/145 lbs
4 Push Jerks, 205/145 lbs
Rest 2 mins
3 rounds of:
12/10 Row Calories
3 Hang Squat Cleans, 225/155 lbs
3 Push Jerks, 225/155 lbs
Goal: Sub 8 min on all intervals
We have our interval workout on deck for today! This is going to be a fun one to get after. For each interval, you will be doing 3 rounds. Notice that with each interval the reps go down and the weight goes up. You will rest 2-minutes between each interval. Each interval includes a 12/10 calorie row. This should be done at a hard but consistent pace. Ideally, these calories take no longer then :45 to complete. For the hang squat clean the weight should start moderate to heavy and then with each interval you will increase weight. Ideally, you are adding weight to the barbell for each interval even if that’s only 5-10#. The hang squat cleans can be broken into 1-2 sets as needed. The push jerk will take the same approach in terms of loading and for some, this might be the limiting factor therefore base the weight you use off this movement.
Post Work
For quality:
Pigeon Stretch, 2 mins
Straddle Stretch, 2 mins