Deload Week!
For quality:
Monostructural Cardio, 5 mins
2 rounds of:
20 Banded Face Pulls
20 Banded Box Step-ups
20 Russian Twists
Monostructural Cardio, 5 mins
2 rounds of:
10 Tempo Barbell Good Mornings, pick load
10 L/10 R Barbell Split Squats, pick load
10 L/10 R Lateral Med Ball Toss, pick load
Monostructural Cardio, 5 mins
2 rounds of:
10 Prone Snow Angels
10 Tempo Wall Slides
10 L/10 R Side Plank Reach Throughs
This flow workout is intended to be done at a very easy pace with a focus on quality work. There are three different portions to this workout and at the start of each one you will bike, row, or run at a very easy pace. This should be done at an RPE of 6 (60% effort) allowing you to increase your heart rate but also keep the intensity relatively low. In between each portion, you will be doing a variety of different accessory work that focuses on shoulder health, midline, and tempo work for joint health.
Post Work 1x:
1-2min Foam Roll T-Spine
1min per side Foam Roll Quads
1min per side Foam Roll IT Bands
1min per side Foam Roll Lats