Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 mins of:
3 Mins. max rep Row/Bike Calories
50 Double Unders
3 Front Squats, pick load
1 Legless Rope Climb
*Front Squats- Start at 65-70% 1RM
Each new round add 10 lbs to your front squat.
Our longer workout for the week! Choose bike or row and keep that movement consistent if possible so you can work on the pacing element from round to round. The doubles should be smooth and have you relaxing the shoulder. Front squat has an INCREASE in weight for each round you approach the bar so there is a heavy element to this workout today. The legless rope climb can be done with legs if needed or subbed with a strict pull-up for 6-9 reps if you need to. Don’t rush this workout. It’s about a steady pace and increasing weight on the bar with successful lifts. Complete at a 60-70% effort.
Post Work
1-2min per side Samson Stretch
1min per side Banded Lat Stretch