8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
25/20 Bike Calories
10 Med Ball Clean + Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
5 Med Ball Push-ups
Yep, that says easy, so there’s no need to get crazy here. Having said that, if you’re chomping at the bit to get some intensity back into your training here is your opportunity. Regardless keep that bike pace consistent through all rounds. The med ball clean/wall ball combo is a new movement for us. It’s going to naturally get your heart rate up and may feel a bit segmented at first which is fine. Try not to drop the ball after every rep but work do to catch the ball, then return to the floor for the start of the pull with the clean.
For quality:
Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold, 4x L 20 secs/R 20 secs
3×12 Bent Over Rear Delt Raises, pick load
3×30 Band Pull Throughs
Some static holds mixed in with shoulder work and glutes and hammies. The single leg glute bridge is alternating back and forth without breaks if possible. If these feel “easy” to you try keeping your arms directly overhead. Rear delt raise should have you focusing on keeping those shoulders pinned down and back as you move. The band pull through can be with a band tension of your choice but is a great option to work your posterior while taking the stress off of your back.