August 15, 2022

Posted By: Christi

Bike Calorie
Deadlift, 315/225 lbs
Goal: Sub 8 mins

Starting the week off with a fast workout that is going to challenge you with intensity and loading. You should be able to complete each round of the deadlift in no more than 3-4 sets. Adjust loading as needed to accomplish this. The bike will vary depending on your strengths but try to push the pace a bit especially with the descending reps.

Shoulder Maintenance
2 rounds for quality of:
5 R Single Arm Strict Press, pick load
Single Arm Overhead Carry, pick load, R 15 ft
5 R Single Arm Strict Press, pick load
Single Arm Overhead Carry, pick load, R 15 ft
5 R Single Arm Strict Press, pick load
Single Arm Overhead Carry, pick load, R 15 ft
30 Band Pull Aparts
5 L Single Arm Strict Press, pick load
Single Arm Overhead Carry, pick load, L 15 ft
5 L Single Arm Strict Press, pick load
Single Arm Overhead Carry, pick load, L 15 ft
5 L Single Arm Strict Press, pick load
Single Arm Overhead Carry, pick load, L 15 ft

A lot of single arm carry variations for todays accessory. This is a great way to work on strength and stability while also noting if there are any large discrepancies from one side to another that need to be addressed. This is for quality so don’t stress on the time and choose a weight that allows for quality mechanics and position.

Post Work 1x:
1-2min per side Lying Leg Crossover Stretch
10 Roll Over V-Sit w/ a :03sec hold in the straddle position