12/24: 8am – 12 Days of Christmas WOD
12/25: CLOSED
12/26: CLOSED
Monostructural Cardio 7 min.
5 L/5 R Eccentric Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load
Pigeon Stretch, L 2 mins/R 2 mins
Sprinter Stretch, L 2 mins/R 2 mins
2 rounds of:
10 Tempo Goblet Squats, pick load
10 L/10 R Split Stance Good Mornings, pick load
Sled Drag, pick load, 100 ft
5 Eccentric Dumbbell Pull Overs, pick load
Banded Tricep Stretch, L 1:30 min/R 1:30 min
Pec Smash With Lax Ball, L 1:30 min/R 1:30 min
2 rounds of:
15 Bent Over Rear Delt Raises, pick load
15 Banded Lat Pull Downs
10 Tempo Dumbbell Floor Press, pick load
Monostructural Cardion 7 min.