Wendler Back Squat – Week 9
Back Squat 1×5 at 75% 1RM
Back Squat 1×3 at 85% 1RM
Back Squat 1×1+ at 95% 1RM
Week 9 of our 5/3/1 progression! This is the last week of our progression and then we will be testing the back squat next week. Reminder that these percentages are based off of 90% of your max with an additional 10 lb increase from week 4! So a total of 20lbs from the start of the cycle. Weights increasing on the barbell so make sure you are keeping that range of motion legit and owning your movement. Don’t skip out on this in order to get a rep or two more. It will pay off in the long run! Take 1 set every 3 minutes.
Post Work
Hang Muscle Clean
10-8-6-4-2, using heaviest weight per set
Bench Press
10-8-6-4-2, using heaviest weight per set
*Superset the movements.
Accessory lifts today are a descending rep scheme. For each movement, you should be using the heaviest weight that you can. You can use the same heavy weight all the way across or build with each set. Hang muscle clean is just that, a muscle clean, which means we should not see you jumping or bending your knees to absorb the weight. We want you to focus on a strong and quick turnover. The bench press is always a fun movement to visit. Focus on full range of motion and be sure that you are spotting each other as needed.