8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD
Teams of 2:
150 Partner Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
100 Kettlebell Swings (each), 53/35 lbs
75 Synchronized Burpee Over Kettlebells
Goal: Sub 15 min
Note: Accumulate in any order
This is going to be a fun partner workout with some fun added twists. Athletes will work together in groups of 2 to get the work done and you can accumulate the reps in any way you’d like. This means that you can do any rep schemes that work for you as well as change out the order of the movements if you like. The partner wall ball is done with a standard weight but athletes can adjust the weight as needed. This will have you standing next to one another, throwing the ball so that it comes back towards your partner. Athletes will each do 75 reps. The kettlebell swing is to be done with a light load that allows for some bigger sets. Each athlete will accumulate a total of 100 reps. Lastly, the synchronized burpee is going to be a fun one to get after. You are synchronized in the burpee when you touch your chest to the ground. For this movement, it’s important that you stay moving together and working at the same rate. Adjust loading and volume to finish within the 15 minute goal time.
Post Work
1-2min Lying Banded Hamstring Stretch
1-2min Lying Banded Crossover Stretch