Hero WOD 4 of 15
12 rounds for time of:
10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans, 45/35 lbs
6 Dumbbell Handstand Push-ups
Goal: Sub 20 mins
U.S. Army Specialist Nicholas P. Steinbacher, 22, of La Crescenta, California, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, based in Fort Hood, Texas, died on December 10, 2006 of injuries suffered when insurgents attacked his Humvee with an improvised explosive device in Baghdad, Iraq. He is survived by his parents Paul and Carolyn, and brothers Dan and Kirk.
Such a simple and awesome workout. The squat cleans are from the hang so do your best to cycle these and finish each round in no more than 2 work sets. Work to get those elbows high and the dumbbells propped a bit back on your shoulders to keep an upright torso. The HSPU is written to have your hands on the dumbbells which means this is going to be some deficit work. Best sub for this is a “Z” Press since you will also be working a larger range of motion than a traditional HSPU. Choose what works best for you and try to keep a strong and steady pace, moving back and forth from one exercise to the other. Fair amount of volume here today so if you need to scale back the reps or rounds please do.
Post Work
3 rounds for quality of:
15 Banded Face Pulls
30 Tiger Walks
10 Forearm Plank Seesaws
Finishing off today with some shoulder maintenance. Just like most of our accessory work, this should be done for quality. The tiger walk can be done with crossover symmetry or a band. Seesaw plank is a great challenge as well and if needed you can take this from your knees. Feel free to adjust the reps or rounds as needed but be sure to make time to get this done!