June 1, 2020

Posted By: Christi

Zoom @ 5am

AMRAP 15 min:
20/17 Cal Bike
15 T2B
6-8 Strict Pull-ups/Ring Rows
Goal: 5+ Rounds

This is a twist on a 15 minute EMOM back on January 20th but with rope climbs instead of pull-ups. See if you can get more rounds than the EMOM if you did it back then. The bike is going to feel like more of a “break” as you go. Combo of T2B and pull-up is going to get real grippy.

3 Rounds
10 Double KB Russian Swing
50′ Double KB Front Rack Carry
Notes: Use no more than 53’s/35’s on the swings and on the front rack carry.

Post Work:
Midline 3-4xs
:30sec Hollow Hold
:15sec Rest
:30sec Archer Hold
:15sec Rest