8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD
5 rounds for time of:
50 Box Step-ups, 24/20 in
25 AbMat Sit-ups
10 Dball Ground-to-Over Shoulders, 100/70 lbs
5 Dball Hug Squats, 100/70 lbs
This workout has you starting with bodyweight box step-ups. Alternate legs until you accumulate a total of 50 reps. The sit-ups are standard ab mat sit-ups. Be sure you are reaching full range of motion with each rep. The dball ground to over shoulder and dball bearhug squats are intended to be done with a heavier load.
Post Work
For quality:
100 Seated Band Leg Curls
100 Seated Calf Raises
Banded Lateral Walk, L 100 ft/R 100 ft
Accessory work today is focusing on hip and knee maintenance by working the hamstrings, calves, and glutes. To keep those knees healthy we must keep the surrounding muscles strong. You will accumulate the following in as few sets as possible but work through one exercise before moving to the next. Weight and band tension should be light and allow for a minimum of 20 reps at a time.