5 rounds, each round for time, of:
9 Deadlifts, 315/225 lbs
9 Bench Press, 185/125 lbs
Rest 1:30 between each round.
Interval workout today with some heavier loading. Both the deadlift and bench should be done with weights that you can do unbroken when you are fresh. Let this be the guide for what you choose today as you should have to break things up a bit as you get into the later rounds, especially the bench press. You should still be able to complete all your rounds of the bench in no more than 3 sets with a reasonable break. If you need to peel weight here you can. The deadlift should be challenging but not have you hitting failure like the bench. Keep in mind this is an interval workout so we want you pushing the pace with mechanics of each movement still being the priority. The 90 secs is likely going to go quick so try to move around and bit between rounds.
For time:
Kettlebell Farmers Carry, 53/35 lbs, 400 m
Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry, 53/35 lbs, 200 m
Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry, 53/35 lbs, 100 m
Carries to work the midline today! Loading should allow for some significant distances but still have you breaking things up a bit. Work to hold the weight in a true front rack position so you can get the value of the midline work and not simply hold them propped on your shoulders. The overhead carry will be extra challenging with keeping the belly tight so break if needed so you can maintain a good, solid overhead position in regards to open shoulders and a tight belly.
Post Work
2-3min Straddle Stretch
:30sec per side Single Arm Pec Stretch