November 16, 2020

Posted By: Christi

Deload Week!

Every 1 min for 40 mins, alternating between:
Bike Calories (moderate pace)
10 Med Ball Sit-ups, 20/14 lbs + 5 Strict Pull-ups
Row Calories (moderate pace)
10 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs + 5 Push-ups

This is a deload week and though the workouts are structured a bit different than our normal training they still pack a punch. These weeks are so important to aid in recovery and get you ready to take on more. With each one of these movements, the focus should be on quality over speed. There is plenty of time to complete this amount of work in one minute.

Post Workout
2-3 min Pigeon Stretch
2-3 min Couch Stretch