For time:
Row, 1000 m
75 Thrusters, 75/55 lbs
Goal: Sub 10 min
We have done this workout in the past and it’s definitely a spicy one! This is going to be our shorter workout for the week and we are looking for a sub 10min time domain. For the row we want you to be pushing hard but this should not be an all-out effort. Ideally, the row takes between 3:30-4:30. The thruster accumulates to be quite a bit of volume. This should be done at a light load. You should feel very confident in cycling the weight you choose even as you get tired. Dig in on this and push the intensity so long you are feeling good and moving well.
Post Work
4 rounds for quality of:
5 Kneeling Jump-ups
10 Ball Slams, 20/15 lbs
Rest 1:30
Kneeling Jump Modifications:
Seated Box Jump
Box Jump
Accessory work today will have you working explosive power and is intended to be done back to back. The kneeling jump up can be a challenging movement but you can modify this one as needed. Ball slam is intended to be done for speed rather than weight.