Part 1
Hang Power Clean & Jerk – 1 Rep
Part #1 of today’s session will have you taking 10-minutes to build to a heavy single in the hang power clean & jerk. This is intended to serve as a primer before heading into the 7 rounds for-time. Focus on quality movement while taking one lift roughly every :90seconds – 2-minutes. Ideally, you are able to get 6 sets in but should not exceed more than 8 sets.
Part 2
7 rounds for time of:
7 Hang Power Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbs
49 Double Unders
Goal: Sub 12 min
This couplet has a potential to be a burner! The weight on the bar should have you able to do unbroken reps for the first 3 rounds, then tapering off but no more than 2 sets with a short break. Work to relax those shoulders on the double unders and focus on rope speed and efficiency.
Post Work 1x:
1-2min per side Static Lying Leg Crossover Stretch
1-2min per side Couch Stretch